A dispensary is one option for the purchase of marijuana, marijuana-infused products (MIPs), or immature marijuana plants. Marijuana can also be obtained from growers, including a caregiver, or other sources available. Up to thirty-five Registered Marijuana Dispensaries (RMD) may be approved in this state, with no more than five per county.
Visiting a Dispensary
Anyone who is under 18 years old shall not be allowed to enter any RMDs. Entrance to RMDs must be restricted. All outside vendors, contractors, and visitors must obtain a visitor identification badge prior to entering a limited access area and shall be escorted at all times by a dispensary agent authorized to enter the limited access area.
How to Obtain Marijuana/Cannabis Medications in a Dispensary
To be able to purchase marijuana in a dispensary, patients must sign up for a Medical Marijuana Card (or as a Caregiver for patients who have qualified for a card). Patients or caregivers will have to pay for what is purchased from a dispensary, with costs depending on grams, strains, and form (oil, joint/smoke, tincture, etc).
Starting a Dispensary
To start a dispensary, the Department of Public Health requires that treatment centers be registered. Centers must pay an application fee and state the legal name and physical address of the treatment center (including other locations where cannabis will be cultivated for the dispensary, if needed). The application must state the name, address, and date of birth of each officer or board member. Operating procedures must follow the Department of Public Health rules for cultivation, oversight, and storage of medical cannabis.
Anyone who is 21 years of age or above and who has no prior drug felony convictions can start up a medical marijuana dispensary in Massachusetts. Dispensaries can be located anywhere in the state of Massachusetts as long as regulations required for any Registered Marijuana Dispensaries are followed:
- Sited at least 1,000 feet from existing schools.
- All establishments will be in industrial zones, following any municipal by-laws and moratoriums.
- Some municipalities differ in their zoning restrictions and may be less than 1,000 feet from a school