A caregiver is a person registered by the Department of Public Health (DPH) who is at least twenty-one (21) years old, has agreed to assist with a registered qualifying patient’s medical use of marijuana, and is not the registered qualifying patient’s certifying physician. Caregivers could be an employee of a medical facility (except that of the patient’s certifying physician), personal attendant, or home health aide providing care to a qualifying patient, including patients under 18 years of age. Any patients that have a medical marijuana card can have their own caregiver as an option.
- At least 21 years old
- Registered with the Department of Public Health
- Cannot be the patient’s certifying physician
Becoming a Caregiver
Step 1: the patient needs to be certified for the medicinal use of marijuana.
Step 2: the patient needs to designate the caregiver as a personal caregiver by sending a letter/application to the Department of Public Health.
Step 3: the patient and caregiver should each have their own copies of the doctor’s certification, the letter/application and the return receipt in one package.
Step 4: if the personal caregiver will be cultivating medical cannabis for the patient, the caregiver should also affix a set of these documents to the wall of the locked area where the cannabis will be grown.